Colorado family lifestyle session
My goal for the rest of this year and continuing on is to slow down and focus my energy on the intimate relationships and the unique connections that people share and experience. Sometimes my favorite photos are not award winning, publishing worthy, or even portfolio material, but rather things that move me to feel. I've been doing this job now for almost ten years and I'm still deeply drawn to the intimate and exclusive human connections that we all share.
This family session is specifically personal to me. The images shared are things that I hopetheir family can look back on someday in the future to feel and reminisce. Jake, Ali, and Silas hosted me in their Colorado home for a week and I photographed everything that had to do with their new-normal life with a 12 month old. I photographed things that are uniquely beautiful to their family as they let me share in their personal daily routines. From morning snuggles on their bed, daddy and son piano time, coffee at their favorite shop (which they often joke that they live there), playing at favorite parks, bath time, listening to records, bedtime routines and bottles, etc. I really hope that I get to do this more often with families in the future :)