Cabin Time
Family is some of the best time. And with moving three hours away from my hometown, family time has become a little more scarce (and seemingly more valuable). Recently my family built a pretty sweet cabin at the Giant Goose Ranch, which is a little ways from my hometown. I love spending time there, it's just my cup of tea <3. It is such a cozy and relaxing way to get away from the hustle and bustle of things. Here are some pictures from one of my last visits with my adorable family (special hugs to you, Silas....missing my Colorado pals <3)!

The hardest thing is when your family is in two different places, which often leaves my heart in two different places. Leaving my current St. Louis home to go back to my Illinois hometown to see family often means leaving my husband, who just started his first year of residency. And heading back home to my husband means leaving my family. Taking photos when I am with those I love is one way that helps them always seem close, even when they are hours away <3.